Monday, February 22, 2010


Is being a "hottie" a curse rather than a blessing?

Around midnight when I still cannot force myself to sleep, I was chatting with my good friend and discussing our theories regarding: a) why we are still single, b) what kind of girls do most guys usually go for, and c) why we are still single. Now wait a minute, just become we are contemplating regarding our singlehood does not mean that we do not actually enjoy it. We in fact embrace being single with wide open arms and enjoy almost every minute of it but we are also very much open to the possibility of being committed with someone when that time comes. Now going back to the so-called theories we created, my friend pointed out that the reason why guys don't approach us is because we intimidate them and that we don't look easy to talk to. Well I have to admit that I may give off that "snobby vibe" during first impressions instead of that "cute and sweet vibe" like you would see in the commercials. Cute and sweet. Now those are the two words that most guys even the bad boys would go for. I then pointed out to my friend that I have observed that there are quite a number of single people who are actually those you would called "hot" and that the sweet and cute ones are actually taken or being courted by a string of guys. (If you feel like I am implying that I see myself "hot" instead of cute, well I actually do even if I do not really live to the standards of being "hot"!)

So is being "hot" actually more of a curse? Nah. There is no such thing as which one is more of a curse or a blessing when it comes to one's status. As cliche as this sounds, what matters is that you are enjoying and living your life for yourself instead of whining may you be single, in a relationship, or just playing the field.

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